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铚楃墰,Our Heavenly Angel.濂规湰鏉ヨ嚜澶╀笂,韪忚冻鍒板皹鍦熶箣闂,甯︽潵蹇箰. It is really our pleasure that we can play with her and we can have some wonderful time with her. 鐜板湪濂瑰張鍥炲埌澶╀笂鐨勫綊灞,鎴戞兂濂瑰湪澶╀笂搴旇寰堝ソ.

August 17 2004 (166) e


鍑犱箮姣忓ぉ閮芥潵鍜屼綘纰板ご. 鏈夋椂鏃╀笂, 鏈夋椂鍌嶆櫄, 鏈夋椂娣卞.. 浣嗙浉鍚岀殑鏄瘡娆$湅鍒颁綘鐢滅編鐨勭瑧瀹, 鎬昏鎴戞祦娉.. 鍏堝墠浠庢潵娌℃湁鎰忚瘑鍒, 涓涓汉鐨勭瑧绔熸湁濡傛闇囨捈鍔.. 闅忕潃宀佹湀鐨勬祦閫, 鎯冲摥鐨勫啿鍔ㄦ槸瓒婃潵瓒婂皯浜, 蹇冧笉鍐嶉偅涔堣交鏄撶殑琚Е鍔, 鎰熻鑷繁瓒婃潵瓒婇夯鏈.. 浣犵函缇庣殑绗, 灏辫繖鏍疯交鏄撶殑鎵撳姩浜嗘垜鐨勫績. 涔熻灏辨槸杩欎箞绠鍗.. 鐪嬬潃浣, 浣撳懗鐫鎰熷姩, 鎰熷彈鐫鐢熷懡, 鎬濊冪潃鎴戣濡備綍鐢熸椿..鎴戞兂鎴戦渶瑕佸ソ濂藉悜浣犲涔..

TO JEFF: 鎴戞兂DREAMWEAVER鐨勮瘽鏄湁閬撶悊鐨. 搴旇鍚戝墠鐪. 绾康, 浣嗕笉杩峰け浜庤繃鍘. 璺繕鏈夊緢闀, 濂藉ソ鐢熸椿鏄铚楃墰鏈濂界殑浜や唬. 鏃ヨ鍙互鍐, 鍥犱负鏈変簺璇濇槸璇翠笉鍑烘潵, 浣嗗嵈鍙互瀵勪簬鏂囧瓧, 鍐欏嚭鏉ヤ篃璁镐細鎰熻濂戒簺. 鍥炲繂, 鎰熷姩, 鍝常, 涔熸槸涓涓紦閲婄殑閫斿緞..涓嶈鎬诲帇鎶戣嚜宸.. 涔熻鏈夋剰璇嗙殑鍒嗘暎涓涓嬫敞鎰忓姏, 鍔姏鍘绘姇鍏ヨ韩杈圭殑涓浜涚粏鑺傚惂..

鎰夸綘涓鍒囬兘濂! 鎰夸綘瀹堟姢JEFF鍜孋HRIS..

August 17 2004 (165) e



You mentioned you are sad and upset in today's diary. I think it is a good idea for you to eventually stop writing dairy about MMBB. Please don't feel offended. What happened has happened. You should hold back the memory and move on. Keep feeling sad is not what your wife would like to see. Come on, Jeff!

Maybe you just need a little more time.

August 17 2004 (164) e


A month past by already 鈥︹

Although I come here everyday, but I never said anything, what can I say to you? I believe you are having fun in heaven, you can see everything happening on earth now. You must be very happy to know so much that we don鈥檛 know and you can laugh at us for the stupid things we are doing, right?

Watched the videos for the rafting trip again last night, couldn't help laughing and crying at the same time. In the video while Jeff dancing, I put my arm on your knees. I can still feel the extreme happiness coming from you, only that you are not around any more. And I still remember we lying on the same chair and gossiping about me, I would tell you everything you want to know if I know that was the last chance.

I have to admit that most of the time when I think about you, you make me laugh. All the silly things we did together. Once we hided in a corner of the metropolitan opera house to eat your buns for dinner. And once in Webster hall, you tried to tell me what one girl was like by walking around with your chest and nose up to the ceiling. And in the rafting trip, you still carried a bucket of water after everyone got off the boats, you said you want a revenge.

We joked about the day when Jeff got drunk all the time. But there is something I never told Jeff. When we were in the car I asked you if we should go out and take care of him, you said we should save him some face by leaving him along, he wouldn鈥檛 like us to see him like that. I was thinking that how lucky this guy is to have a wife like you. And that is why when you were in the hospital, I didn鈥檛 go to actually see you so often since I think you wouldn鈥檛 like us to see you like that. That is why it took me such a long time to gather the courage to see you for the last time last month today. I didn鈥檛 want to believe the one lying there was you. And I didn鈥檛 want to see Jeff holding your hand and looking at us in such a helpless way. It was the most heart-breaking scene in the world鈥..

One week after your leave, I went to shopping and bought some colorful clothing since you said my clothes are too sporty. Two weeks after your leave, I decided to work hard and play hard, that is a better way to memorize a friend like you. I will cherish every minutes I spend with my family and friends. Your love for life will keep us going on with our journey.

August 17 2004 (163) e


Everytime when I try to remember that Sat afternoon a month ago, I feel it's so unreal. I feel like Ring moved to another place, like all my old friends and she may give me a ring any time in the future. She should be smiling now, far in a place that we don't know.......

August 17 2004 (162) e



Didn't get the chance to know you; we are not in the same city; but feel like having known you for a long time and we would have made good friends... How are you? Is everything OK there? We all miss you, known and unknown...

Don't worry too much about your husband and your daughter. God is fair. They will be well taken care of and you will forever live among us.

Miss you.

August 17 2004 (161) e


I wish there's a place I can bring you flowers and things you like. Eventhough you had parted from us only a month ago, everyday is still an agony of not able to see you. I wish I hadn't gone to the hospital, that I don't need to see you lying there. These are my last images of you that I wish I could of delete. Rest well, sleeping beauty.

August 17 2004 (160) e


To MM:
I dont how to post song either. But I will ask some one to answer your question.

August 17 2004 (159) e


绾康RING 1涓湀銆傜壒姝ょ暀璐

August 17 2004 (158) e

Bun Bun


August 17 2004 (157) e

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