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August 17 2004 (156) e



August 17 2004 (155) e



涓涓湅鍙嬬粡甯歌鐨勪竴鍙ヨ瘽:"褰撲綘涓嶈兘澶熷啀鎷ユ湁,浣犲敮涓鍙互鍋氱殑,灏辨槸浠よ嚜宸变笉瑕佸繕璁." 鑰屾垜鎯宠鐨勬槸,鏈変簺涓滆タ鏄兂蹇橀兘鏃犳硶蹇樿鐨..姝eRING瀵逛簬浣..


August 16 2004 (154) e


Friend moved all my old dairy to here already which is Remembrance. And I am still writting dairy, for me, it is a way to write down whatever I want to remember.

Parents left today. Tomorrow, it has been a month already since 7/17. And I gonna move the end of this month, I did not go though most of her stuff yet which is alot.

There is something we want to do together, I will do it.

August 16 2004 (153) e


Everyday I come here to take a look. You know there are friends around concerning about you and Chris.

Maybe I should believe in what after life is, or the so called come back to life. If it really exists, I believe that Miumiubebe is looking at you in heaven.

We do not recall the past,and we only look into the future. But there is always something worth memorizing and cherishing in the past time. Saw the last page of the photos in the photo album, honestly, I still couldn't hold back my tears.

Almost one month passed. I was firstly shocked by the post in sofarsonear club more than one month ago. Although I didn't know Miumiubebe. After knowing all what had happened, and reading her diaries, stories, I uttered a sigh while bearing my tears.

Fate shouldn't be so tough and cruel for such a young lady. It happened, and it is beyond our ability to change it. There is always a time we feel sad cuz of losing beloved ones. Nevertheless, the inevitable fact is doomed to happen, and no one can escape.

In remembrance of Miumiubebe, we have this website, we have all the collected diaries and photos. Jeff, you can write your diaries here, or you can write in certain website as we cannot read it in bbs anymore.

But do not take it as a burden that you should write something. Just write when you feel like to write,and spit out the guts or tell us about your new activities and feelings. It can make you feel better, and we all understand you.

Apart from that, I still recommend that you start a new life. Time will cure everything. But the most important is you yourself to be the only person to help yourself out of sadness. Working hard is just one thing, on the other hand, taking good care of Chris, trying to make some travelling, talking with friends.

I do not know how your day is. How is the moving? How is Chris?

Please take care!
Miumiubebe in heaven will be praying for you and Chris. Cherish the life and enjoy life. That is also her wish in heaven.

August 16 2004 (152) e






August 15 2004 (151) e


Jeff, that's what life is. Hope u can cheer up and face the future life with your lovely daughter only. She's ur everything now......

I don't know u or mmbb at all, but I pray for the blessing to u from my heart,both of u.......

August 14 2004 (150) e





August 14 2004 (149) e


To be here, then Jeff's diary is my daily compulsory course since I found it, how lovely girl, how sweet smile, she is the angel who brighten my life here, thanks, my angel.

Jeff, Take care!

August 13 2004 (148) e


Just update a new group pic. If anyone feel uncomfortable, please let me know. I gonna remove it.

Reviewing old pics is kind of fun, cause the happyness is just like yesterday.

August 13 2004 (147) e

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