| A common Christian | | | | | 鍦ㄤ紵澶х殑涓婂笣闈㈠墠锛屼汉绫绘槸澶氫箞鐨勬负灏忋
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| another visitor | | | | | To Jeff:铏界劧鎴戜滑骞朵笉鐩歌瘑锛屼絾甯屾湜浣犺兘灏藉揩浠庢偛鐥涗腑瑙h劚鍑烘潵锛岄噸鏂板揩涔愮殑鐢熸椿銆
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| a visitor | | | | | This world is not our eternal home. Sooner or later we all leave. We common people even don't understand the purpose of life, let alone the meaning of death. Believe in God. Never lose hope. HE has his timing. His timing is always the best. Miumiubebe is far happier in heaven with her spiritual father.
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| dany | | | | | I am just a stranger to the family, can't help giving them a bless.
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| a classmate of Jeff | | | | | 鍚埌杩欎釜娑堟伅鐪熺殑寰堥渿鎯婏紝铏界劧鏄綘鐨勫悓瀛︼紝浣嗘槸鍗翠粠鏉ユ病鏈夎杩囦綘鐨勫瀛愶紝浣嗘槸鐪嬭繃鐓х墖鍚庯紝瑙夊緱杩欎釜涓栫晫鐪熸槸涓嶅叕骞筹紝濡傛缇庝附鍠勮壇鐨勪竴涓汉绔熺劧灏辩寮浜嗘垜浠ぇ瀹躲傛棤娉曟兂璞′綘鍐呭績涓殑鎮茬棝,浣嗘槸甯屾湜浣犺兘鍧氬己闈㈠锛屽ソ濂藉甫澶т綘浠椿娉煎彲鐖辩殑灏忓コ鍎裤
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| 姹 | | | | | TO锛欽eff
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| eho | | | | | 浜虹敓鏃犲父锛岀敓姝绘湁鍛姐傝鑺傚搥锛屼繚閲嶃俆hink about Chris more.
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| your classmate | | | | | 浣犵殑缇庝附鑰屽彲鐖辩殑铚楃墰涓瀹氭槸鍘诲ぉ鍫傚仛澶╀娇浜嗐備篃璁稿ぉ涓婄殑鏌愰鏄熸槦灏辨槸濂瑰湪鐪嬩綘鍜屽コ鍎裤傝屽ス鐨勭敓鍛戒細缁х画鍦ㄥコ鍎跨殑韬笂鍜屼綘鐨勫績閲屽欢缁傜浉淇″湪澶╀笂鐨勫ス涓瀹氫篃甯屾湜浣犺兘鍜屽コ鍎垮ソ濂界殑銆
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| 杩囪矾浜 | | | | | 鎴戜篃鏄垰鎼埌NJ鍖楅儴鏉,鐪嬪埌浣犱滑澶鍚堝奖鐨勪竴涓儗鏅,姝f槸鎴戠粡甯稿幓鏁f鐨勪竴涓叕鍥,瀹侀潤鑰岀編涓,灏卞儚浣犲彲鐖辩殑绗戝.
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| anothervisitor | | | | | Athough I am just a stranger to Jeff and his wife, I bursted into tears when I saw this website, especially the photos and the diary written by Jeff.
I can imagine how painful the husband could be.
However, life still goes on. maybe let it be, let it go.
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